Our Ministries
God calls his Church to be active, joining him in declaring his glory and expanding his kingdom. The outcome is his, but the work is ours. Our call is not to success but to faithfulness. Among the ways we are true to Scripture and obedient to the Great Commission are through these ministries.

New England Church Planting Network (NECPN)
A partnership between Northern New England Presbytery and Southern New England Presbytery, NECPN brings life to a longstanding vision to establish PCA churches in the New England states, churches that reflect deep theological and cultural engagement with our particular PLACE, by serving and knowing its PEOPLE, and bringing the transforming POWER of the historic Christian faith. This ministry of word and work will bear fruit for the glory of God through a labor of love and PATIENCE.

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
RUF connects the big truths of the Bible with the big questions college students face. Through it we reach students for Christ and equip them to serve.
Our current RUF ministries:
We are in the process of establishing an RUF group at Southern New Hampshire University. For more information on this group and how you can be a part, reach out to us via the Contact form.

Mission to North America (MNA)
We seek to expand God’s kingdom in Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire through church planting and church revitalization.

Mission to the World (MTW)
We are called to proclaim the gospel not only in northern New England, but around the world. We work towards this through a Presbytery-wide missions conference every other year and sponsoring missions trips.